The 15 minutes leading up to a job interview can often be filled with stress and anxiety. However, rather than allowing these emotions to overwhelm you, it's important to utilize this time to get yourself into the right frame of mind and focus on the upcoming interview. Make the most of these precious minutes and use them to relax and collect your thoughts, regardless of the type of job you are applying for.

Firstly, it's crucial to acknowledge that job interviews, regardless of the position, can evoke stress and nervousness. Whether you are aiming for a high-flying executive job, seeking a part-time job to supplement your income, or looking for student jobs to support your university expenses, the pressure to perform well can be intense. However, by recognizing that this is a common experience, you can take steps to manage your stress and channel your energy in a productive way.

Use the 15 minutes before the interview as an opportunity to relax. By doing so, you allow yourself to enter the interview room with a calmer and more composed demeanor. This can be achieved through various relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, positive self-talk, or visualization. By engaging in activities that help you relax, you can reduce anxiety and create a more positive mindset.

Woman with a coffee cup in hand.
A café can be a good relaxing environment to wait in before an interview. Just don't drink too much coffee or tea. Caffeine can increase stress in the body. Image by Mikail Duran on Unsplash

Furthermore, this time can be utilized to collect your thoughts and mentally prepare for the interview. It's important to briefly review any key points or facts you want to remember, as well as the names of the individuals you will be meeting. This helps to refresh your memory and ensures that you enter the interview room with a clear understanding of what you want to convey.

Regardless of the type of job you are interviewing for, the underlying principle remains the same: making the most of the moments before the interview is crucial. It allows you to shift your focus, calm your nerves, and mentally prepare yourself for the upcoming conversation. By taking the time to relax and collect your thoughts, you increase your chances of performing at your best during the interview and showcasing your qualifications and abilities effectively.

Here are some things to do in those 15 minutes.

1. Arrive early but don’t go inside

How early should you arrive to an interview?

Running late will put you under extra unwanted stress, so plan the journey as much as you can and allow for any hold-ups. Wait in your car or nearby, such as in a cafe and enter the building about 10-15 minutes before the interview. Similarly don’t go into the interview too early and put them under pressure by hanging around.

2. Be friendly and polite to staff

When you arrive at the interview location, it's important to be mindful of how you interact with the people who greet you, such as the receptionist, support staff, or security guard. After all, these people could be your future colleagues and also there is the possibility they may be reporting back to the HR staff. A friendly chat with the receptionist will help to loosen those nerves and you’ll be ready to greet the interviewer with a smile.

Three people sit in front of their computers at desks and talk to each other.
By fostering positive interactions, you not only create a favorable impression but also potentially build rapport with future colleagues. Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Raising the issue of salary can be sensitive. Here's the best way to do it.

3. Look in the mirror

It may have been quite some time since you left home to travel to the interview so use the cloakroom to check your appearance and perhaps cool any clammy hands. 

When it comes to job interviews, appearance plays a significant role in making a positive impression on the interviewer. Taking a moment to check your appearance before entering the interview room can have a direct impact on your confidence levels. This step is particularly important because it allows you to present yourself in the best possible way.

4. Review your notes

Briefly scan your notes to remind yourself of facts, key points or the names of who you’ll be meeting. Don’t do any extra research at this point, there’s no time and your train of thought will go off track. Whether applying for something high-flying or holiday and student jobs, preparation is key to show you have an interest in the company but hopefully you’ll have done that in advance and the research will pay off.

5. Turn off your phone

It’ll be embarrassing and a distraction if it goes off mid-interview. Turn it off and don’t be tempted to check social media, voicemails or emails whilst waiting for the interview. You’ll be distracted and thrown off course. If someone comes to collect you early you don’t want to be scrolling through those photos of your last night out at the pub.

6. Stop rehearsing

You’ve probably spent some time rehearsing your replies which is great but nothing more can be done now, trust yourself. You don’t want your answers to sound robotic or scripted. The interview is a conversation so let your conversational skills and personality come through. The interview will take a flow of its own.

Woman holding a mobile phone in both hands.
Proper preparation, done in advance, is key to demonstrating your interest in the company and ensuring that your research pays off during the interview. Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

Here is a list of common questions asked during an interview about the customer service profession.

7. Decide how you are going to make this interview memorable

How are you going to stand out to the interviewer? A few key areas of emphasis will make a memorable candidate, whether this might be your communication skills, your project management abilities or perhaps your in-depth knowledge. Let those skills be noted and recognised.

8. Be confident

Whilst waiting, whether sitting or standing maintain a poised and confident posture. It’ll give you a sense of confidence even if that’s not what you’re really feeling inside. No slouching or leaning against walls.

9. Be calm

Focus on your breathing with several deep breaths to still those nerves, this is how to stay calm during an interview.  Being calm and collected will help you to stay focused, to listen carefully to the interviewer’s questions and to respond with clear answers.

The 15 minutes before a job interview are crucial for preparing yourself mentally and reducing stress. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you can effectively utilize this time to enhance your focus and ensure a successful interview. Arriving early, establishing positive interactions, checking your appearance, reviewing relevant notes, eliminating distractions, balancing preparation and authenticity, making a lasting impression, and cultivating confidence and calmness are all key elements to consider.

By using these 15 minutes wisely, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the interview with confidence, increasing your chances of securing the position you desire.

These are the signs that you're overthinking your interview.

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A knowledge-thirsty literary and cultural scholar from Gothenburg, Sweden.